Setup & Manage Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc.

Are You Posting 1-3 Times Per Day To Your Social Accounts To Purposely Connect With Your Businesses Audience?

Setting up a Facebook Page with Apps (the icons below the cover picture) that promote specials, events, provide customer feedback, and much more is vitally important to customer engagement.

Are you getting a large number of new likes on your Facebook pages every month? This not only grows the reach of your business but allows a single post to reach out more and get likes and shares.

Are you growing your Twitter Account with new followers and keeping them involved with the benefits your business can provide to them and their centers of influence?

How about a Pinterest Account? People love pictures and to have quality images to post that link back to your website or business page is popular and a very effective way of communicating your businesses benefits to your current and future customers. Have you ever imagined what it would be like if one of these images went viral?

What about Google Plus (G+)? With the proof of how effective social media can be by Facebook, Google has stepped up their presence in the marketplace. Providing social engagement through this source is becoming an important factor to getting found in the search results of google. It’s important to not only have a G+ account but to be updating it daily with fresh information about your businesses niche and specific offers.

Geo-targeting your brick and mortar business with and claiming your Foursquare Account has become, and is growing in popularity rapidly, a major source to bringing impulse shoppers and spur of the moment buyers into your business. Imagine someone near your place of business shopping or eating fast food and they need your services. They type their search into their cellphones and within a flash the nearest business to their location, your business, is geo-targeted and placed on top of the search results for them to bookmark and contact. Foursquare is of vital importance to have on your list of social media accounts and we do all this and more for you.

Setting up and managing a Linked In Profile, multiple video sites such as a branded Youtube Channel (people love watching and sharing video’s about your business on their phones), Google Places, and even a Yelp Account.

Keeping the Reputation Management of your business up to date and monitored is something every business needs to manage.

Make sure you inquire about how MAH Digital Marketing can help setup, manage, or consult with your business about social media and how to grow it with your brand.